Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando
Conducts Roundtable
ORLANDO, FL, December 10, 2012 — Join the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando (JGSGO) for a Jewish genealogical successes and challenges
We all have success and challenges as we research
our family history. Several of our JGSGO members will explain at least one
success on their genealogical journey. They will describe their thought process,
interviewing and research techniques, resources used, advice given,
anything and everything that added to their family tree. Their shared
success story may help you break down your genealogical brick wall!
We will also address success stories and challenges
from our guests as time permits. If you have a Jewish genealogical success
story to share, send a one or two sentence brief description to . Alternatively,
if you have a Jewish genealogical challenge to share, please email as soon as possible
with the details about your challenge. We will ask a maven to address your
challenge and report the results at the meeting. The sooner you contact our
maven, the more time our maven will have to work on your challenge.
DATE: Sunday, December 23, 2012
TIME: 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.
LOCATION: Southwest
Orlando Jewish Congregation, Social Hall, 11200 South Apopka Vineland Road,
Orlando, FL 32836.
Open to the public. $5.00 for non-members.
Free for members.
About the Jewish Genealogical Society of
Greater Orlando
Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando (JGSGO) is a not for profit
organization dedicated to sharing genealogical information, techniques and
research tools with anyone interested in Jewish genealogy and family history.
Anyone may join JGSGO. Annual dues are $25 for an individual and $30 for a
family. For more information visit our blog at .